Superior Management Consulting ,
Business Ideas
Building our future with healthy communities
Superior Management Consulting ,
Business Ideas
Building our future with healthy communities
Superior Management Consulting ,
Business Ideas
Building our future with healthy communities

Superior Management Consulting ,
Business Ideas
Building our future with healthy communities
Let a Consultant Help You Make the Best Business Decisions
Grant and Proposal Writing
Data collection and analysis/evaluation
Program assessment and planning facilitation
New Service Development
Let a Consultant Help You Make the Best Business Decisions
Grant and Proposal Writing
Data collection and analysis/evaluation
Program assessment and planning facilitation
New Service Development
Let a Consultant Help You Make the Best Business Decisions
Grant and Proposal Writing
Data collection and analysis/evaluation
Program assessment and planning facilitation
New Service Development

Why Choose Us
Who we are
Howe Enterprises is your option when you need someone that understands “what you are about”. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed with today’s changes in this fast-paced world. Help is available through Howe Enterprises in project planning, grant writing and management, project management, data collection/analysis, and evaluation. The change process can be difficult, yet help is available to assist with the transition for your business, your community or yourself.
Howe Enterprises is a consulting firm that believes in community not only as a place, but a way to work and support others as they strive to achieve their goals. A business belief in quality service, product and the value of personal integrity is underlying their mission.